Tað sum vitast kann um Gud liggur teimum jú opið; Gud hevur gjørt teimum tað opinbert. Ósjónliga vera Hansara, bæði æviga kraft og guddómleiki Hansara, sæst frá skapan heimsins; tað skilst av verkum Hansara; tey hava tí onga avsakan (Rómbrævið 1: 19-20)
Youtube: Faroe Apologetik
Sunday, October 28, 2012
USA, Islam og Inntreingjan
'The Project', er ein nýggjur dokumentar filmur um politiska og átrúnaðarliga 'infiltrering' í USA. Ómetaliga ræðandi fyri at siga tað bart út. Sendingin byrjar við at vísa á, hvussu kommunistiska rákið í USA nýtti hættir at noyða samfelagshugburðin av politiskari korrektheit yvir mótstøðuna undir Kalda Krígnum, og hvussu sami hugburður, nú verður noyddur yvir fólkið av liberalistum, serstakliga fyri at verja og umboða religiónina Islam og Sharia.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Framløga í Fuglafirði í kvøld: Er Gud Til?
Eg komi at leggja fram í kvøld á Eysturoyðar ungdómsmøtinum Eyoy, evnið: Er Gud til?
Stað: Siloa í Fuglafirði
Klokkan 21:00
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Søguligi Jesus, Samtíðin og Frásøgnirnar
Áhugavert, Kloppenborg í síni viðger av Q (hypotetisku/ástøðiligu kelduni sum Matteus og Lukas skulu hava nýtt saman við Markus og øðrum keldum), sipar til Franz Overbech, sum legði dent á 'discontinuity' millum Evangeliini og skriftirnar hjá kirkjufedrunum, har hann møguliga eisini inkluderar Nýtestamentligu Brøvini (Kloppenborg, The Formation of Q, 5).
Hendan inkluderingin er av týdningi í hesum høpinum! Fyrst skal sigast, at um ein samanber Klement úr Róm, Didache, Ignatius, Polykarp, Justin Martyr og Irenaeus, so eru burtursæð frá, at hesir noyddust at viðgera teirra heimspekisligu samtíð, eingin munur á teirra skriftum og eitt nú brøvunum hjá Paulusi ápostli.
Brøvini hjá Paulus, tildømis Fyrra Korintbræv, sum var skriva í 50-52, var skriva undan Evangeliinum og ger kortini nýtslu av Evangeliinum sum tá er ein munnlig kelda.
Tað sum tí gerst týdningarmikið her, tá hugsa verður um niðurstøðuna hjá Overbeck, er at Evangeliini tykjast ómetaliga primitiv og óávirka av tí tíð og skriving sum eftirfylgir hendingini. Bíbliukritikkarir eru tí fleiri av tí sannførðing, at hendan tilgongd vísir á broyting í traditiónini og tí veitir trúðvirðinum í Kristindóminum trupuleikar.
Tó, sæð frá einum øðrum sjónarhornið, gevur slík argumentatión ómetaligan bakslátur. Eftirsum slík óávirka skriving, heldur vísir at høvundarnir skrivaðu tilfar sum ikki var upprunni úr tí samtíðini tá heir skriva, men frá tíðini í undan var; við øðrum orðum, gevur hetta evangeliinum nógv størri søguligt virði.
Tildømis eru Evangeliini alt ov jødisk og sermerkt av tíðini undan 70 AD, til at verða skriva av grikkum, sum hvørki kendu aramaiska málið ella jødiska bakgrund, søgu og mentan, og tað í einum ikki-jødiskum samanhengi og griskari mentan (Hoskyns, The Riddle of the NT, s.19-21 og Robertson, Redating the N.T.).
Fokusi sum í fyrsta árhundra samkomuni, annars var á Heilaga Andan og samkomu viðurskiftir eru nærum ikki til staðar í teimum synoptisku evangeliinum. Tó so er jødiska mentanin undan fallið Jerusalems, sum inkluderaði tempul mentanina og leiklut saddukearana týðilig í frammi. Ein kann eisini sipa til profetiska samanlegging, har í hendingar ikki altíð vóru atskildar í framtíð, men vildu verði tað í retrospekt, um ein høvundur falsaði útsøgnir í fortíð.
Her kann tildømis vísast á dømi av fallið Jerusalems og afturkomu Jesusar, sum í spádómi Matteusar og Markusar nærum tykjast samanlagdar. Ein høvundur hevði ikki skriva soleiðis, eftir fall Jerusalems. Men hetta gevur fulla meining í framtíðar spádómi, sum ikki altíð skilur millum hendingar í framtíð. Við øðrum orðum, er spádómurin niðurskrivaður undan falli Jerusalems!
Her kann tí grundgevast fyri, at tað sum vit lesa um í Evangeliums skriftunum, er upprunaligt, bæði í tess tíð, mentan, geografi og umstøðum, og hetta ger frásøgnina tengda at veruleikum, heldur enn mytum.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
CERN og Gud
Úttalisi hjá gudloysinginum Lawrence Krauss, í samband við at Gud møguliga gerst eitt neyðugt útgangstøði fyri fáa skil á ávísum vísindaligum økjum, so sum upphav alheimsins, tykist nærkast veruleikanum. Í einum nýðligum kjakið segði Krauss:
"I don’t think deism, the possible existence of a divine intelligence is not an impossible postulate, and I wan’t argue against it, the universe is an amazing place; the question is, is there evidence…I think the possible existence of a divine intelligence is perfectly plausible and would address some of the perplexing issues associated with the beginning of the universe, it may ultimately, we may find that it is required…but the relationship between that and the specific God…not all can be right..."
Hetta kann møguliga gerast veruleikið.
Fyri nýðliga hava vísindafólk av tí vælkenda CERN vísindaliga átakinum, lagt upp til kjak og møguliga opna upp fyri møguleikanum av einum 'common ground' støðið við heimsmyndini, sum inkluderar hugtakið Gud.
"I don’t think deism, the possible existence of a divine intelligence is not an impossible postulate, and I wan’t argue against it, the universe is an amazing place; the question is, is there evidence…I think the possible existence of a divine intelligence is perfectly plausible and would address some of the perplexing issues associated with the beginning of the universe, it may ultimately, we may find that it is required…but the relationship between that and the specific God…not all can be right..."
Hetta kann møguliga gerast veruleikið.
Fyri nýðliga hava vísindafólk av tí vælkenda CERN vísindaliga átakinum, lagt upp til kjak og møguliga opna upp fyri møguleikanum av einum 'common ground' støðið við heimsmyndini, sum inkluderar hugtakið Gud.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Trúarverja í Gøtu komandi fríggjakvøldið
Eg komi at tosa á ungdómsmøtinum í Filadelfia í Gøtu, fríggjakvøldið 12 oktober, klokkan 21:00.
Evnið sum mær er givið ljóðar: 'Heilt erligt, er Bíblian álítandi'?
Fokus verður á tilgongdina frá Jesus til niðurskriving, hvør skrivaði evangeliini og nær og um handritini eru varveitt.
Komi annars eisini at tosa á møtinum í Gøtu á familjumøtinum sunnumorgum.
Støða teirra kristnu í Sýria
Støðan hjá teimum kristnu í Sýria er íløtuni øtilig; hetta er eitt eldri tíðindaskriv frá apríl mánaða (í Egyptalandið, nú undir islamskum valdið, gongur leiðin sama veg fyri ikki-islamskar minnilutar):
Syrian Christians in desperate straits: will the churches survive?
Bombed Syrian Churches damaged during the fighting in Homs
The city of Homs, the third largest in Syria, has now seen almost its entire Christian population of 50,000 to 60,000 flee for safety as fighting continues in the stricken country.
The number of Christians left in the city has reportedly fallen to below 1,000 after the strife between the troops of President Bashar Assad and anti-government forces reached its peak there last month. Christians have fled to surrounding villages, other major Syrian cities, and even Lebanon. Those who remain have spoken of a growing "atmosphere of fear".
During the worst of the conflict, the opposition forces attacked churches and also occupied an evangelical school and home for the elderly, which were then shelled by the army. Church leaders have reported that Muslim neighbours are turning on the Christians, and that Muslim extremists from other countries have been coming to Homs to join the fighting.
Christians have also suffered kidnappings and gruesome murders. Some Christian families, unable to pay a ransom for their relatives' release and fearing that they may be tortured, have been driven to ask the kidnappers to kill their loved ones at once.
The number of doctors in Homs has dwindled from 850 to 35-50, and the number of functioning hospitals from 40-45 to just five or six. Some hospitals have been attacked and destroyed; others have closed because they have no drugs or other resources; and two more have been robbed to equip field hospitals. Five schools have also been damaged.
The displaced Christians face an uncertain future and are concerned that they may be unable to return home, while the plight of those who remain is truly desperate. Prices have rocketed, supplies have run low, and it has often been too dangerous to go out.
Danger beyond Homs
Christians are seriously endangered in other parts of Syria too. Not only are they generally assumed to be pro-Assad, but also a strongly Islamist element amongst the rebels will attack them simply because they are Christians.
Bombs have already exploded in the Christian quarters of Damascus and Aleppo. Church leaders hesitate to travel at night, believing that, as symbols of the Christian presence, they may be special targets for assassination. The authorities have warned the churches not to gather in large numbers over the Easter period in case their meetings are bombed.
One church leader told Barnabas Fund:
We hope for a safe future but nobody knows what will happen. There are many outside influences. We fear sectarian conflict. We fear becoming like Iraq. If the Christians leave the Arab countries it will be a loss for everybody.
Another added: "God willing, Syria will come out of it, but at what cost? I am not very optimistic that our Christian community will survive.
Barnabas Fund is working directly with Christian partners in the country to get emergency aid to needy Christians throughout Syria, including those from Homs and the victims of the bombings.
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, said: "I have just returned from meeting Syrian church leaders, and I am more than ever convinced that our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria need our help. The dark days of the Middle Ages when many churches were burned and Christians slaughtered in the region are threatening to return, endangering the very existence of the churches in this land that has had a Christian presence for almost 2,000 years. Please help us to support the Christians of Syria in their desperate need.
Syrian Christians in desperate straits: will the churches survive?
Bombed Syrian Churches damaged during the fighting in Homs
The city of Homs, the third largest in Syria, has now seen almost its entire Christian population of 50,000 to 60,000 flee for safety as fighting continues in the stricken country.
The number of Christians left in the city has reportedly fallen to below 1,000 after the strife between the troops of President Bashar Assad and anti-government forces reached its peak there last month. Christians have fled to surrounding villages, other major Syrian cities, and even Lebanon. Those who remain have spoken of a growing "atmosphere of fear".
During the worst of the conflict, the opposition forces attacked churches and also occupied an evangelical school and home for the elderly, which were then shelled by the army. Church leaders have reported that Muslim neighbours are turning on the Christians, and that Muslim extremists from other countries have been coming to Homs to join the fighting.
Christians have also suffered kidnappings and gruesome murders. Some Christian families, unable to pay a ransom for their relatives' release and fearing that they may be tortured, have been driven to ask the kidnappers to kill their loved ones at once.
The number of doctors in Homs has dwindled from 850 to 35-50, and the number of functioning hospitals from 40-45 to just five or six. Some hospitals have been attacked and destroyed; others have closed because they have no drugs or other resources; and two more have been robbed to equip field hospitals. Five schools have also been damaged.
The displaced Christians face an uncertain future and are concerned that they may be unable to return home, while the plight of those who remain is truly desperate. Prices have rocketed, supplies have run low, and it has often been too dangerous to go out.
Danger beyond Homs
Christians are seriously endangered in other parts of Syria too. Not only are they generally assumed to be pro-Assad, but also a strongly Islamist element amongst the rebels will attack them simply because they are Christians.
Bombs have already exploded in the Christian quarters of Damascus and Aleppo. Church leaders hesitate to travel at night, believing that, as symbols of the Christian presence, they may be special targets for assassination. The authorities have warned the churches not to gather in large numbers over the Easter period in case their meetings are bombed.
One church leader told Barnabas Fund:
We hope for a safe future but nobody knows what will happen. There are many outside influences. We fear sectarian conflict. We fear becoming like Iraq. If the Christians leave the Arab countries it will be a loss for everybody.
Another added: "God willing, Syria will come out of it, but at what cost? I am not very optimistic that our Christian community will survive.
Barnabas Fund is working directly with Christian partners in the country to get emergency aid to needy Christians throughout Syria, including those from Homs and the victims of the bombings.
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo, International Director of Barnabas Fund, said: "I have just returned from meeting Syrian church leaders, and I am more than ever convinced that our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria need our help. The dark days of the Middle Ages when many churches were burned and Christians slaughtered in the region are threatening to return, endangering the very existence of the churches in this land that has had a Christian presence for almost 2,000 years. Please help us to support the Christians of Syria in their desperate need.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Prát við ex-gudloysingin Antony Flew
Ex-gudloysingin Antony Flew greiðir frá hví hann vendi ateismuni bakið:
Og eitt sjónband um Antony Flew:
Antony Flew um Darwin og darwinismu:
Og eitt sjónband um Antony Flew:
Antony Flew um Darwin og darwinismu:
Friday, October 5, 2012
Ateistar tveittir út úr fróðskaparseturs tiltakið fyri blasfemi
Sjokerandi at hetta hendir í einum samfelagið sum
okkara, og so er hetta sjálvandi eitt brot á talufrælsi og frælsi at úttrykja
seg og ein sær sjálvandi vandan av vit í framtíðini verða skerd, kúga og
tvungin at tiga og hugsa.
Men sum svar uppá ávísar viðmerkingar frá ávísum ateistum
her á blogginum, so mugu eg og hesir gudloysingar harvið, nú finna okkum í, at
lærdir háskúlar nú bannað speireking og kritik av Islam.
Skulu lærdir háskúlar veruliga hava hendan rættin? Jú um
ávísir ateistar hava rætt, so er her talan ikki um brot á talufrælsið og frælsi
at úttrýkja sína hugsan. Nei her uppstendur eingin vandið yvirhøvur, men heldur
sigurin hjá einum skúla at varveita frælsi við kúga frælsi.
Ja, hetta ljóðar hamrandi vanvittugt, tað haldi eg eisini.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Tala í Lívdini komandi sunnumorgum
Eg komi at tosa í Lívdini komandi sunnumorgum, 7 oktober, klokkan 12, har heitið ljóðar 'Ger trúgvin mun?', har eg eisini fari at koma inn á vísindina, Guds eksistens og trúarverju.
Til ber, at hoyra taluna beinleiðis gjøgnum Ustream:
Til ber, at hoyra taluna beinleiðis gjøgnum Ustream:
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
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